
+234 (0) 12900659, +234 (0) 7082299989

Registration Information

Application Guidelines

* All Candidates must read the following instructions before filling the form.

Welcome to the Online Application Portal for ACATM. Through this portal, you can fill the Application Form and check your mail to know if your application was successful.

To Apply, follow this order:

Step 1. Select your choice of Programme/Course (Ensure you understand and have met the qualification criteria: CLICK HERE )

Step 2. Read and agree to the Declaration Column and click on Send.

Step 3. On successful submission, you will get a mail to acknowledge your application. (Please do a PRINT OUT of the email confirmation)

Step 4. Make payment online with Naira denominated Cards (Master Card, Visa ATM Cards) Click Here OR Pay at the nearest bank using the details provided below

Please note that your registration process is incomplete until your payment has been confirmed by the administrative desk.

For more details Call/WhatsApp us on: 01-2900659,  07082299989


 PARALLEX BANK  (Lagos Campus Only)
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Course Details

Personal Details

Other Personal Details

FacebookGoogle SearchInstagramOur FliersTV/RadioEx-StudentOther

NoneBlindDeafDumbOthers( Asthma, Epilepsy, etc)

Academic Records

Institutions attended with dates (Ex. ABC University - 2005- 2009). One entry per line


I hereby declare that all the information supplied in this form is to the best of my knowledge and belief true and correct. I agree that any false or incomplete information given in this form automatically disqualified me from being considered for admission to any course of study at AEROPORT COLLEGE OF AVIATION AND TRAVEL MANAGEMENT. I also give an undertaking, if admitted to abide by all the rules and regulations of the college and that fees are normally not refundable.